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Sunday, August 11, 2013

DIY: Install Side Marker and Replace Bulb

1. This guide will show how to replace your side marker and how to change the bulb. When doing each side, you will need to have your wheel tuned all the way in so you can access the wheel well. Keep your old reflectors! States that require reflectors to have DOT approval indication on them will fail your car with these on. You'll have to swap them out come inspection time.

 2. Using a small screwdriver, gently twist the plastic screws until the inner portion pops out. You can make it easier by pressing the outer circle in with a finger as your twist. You will need to remove three in all, starting from the bottom up.

 3. Optional, but helpful: directly underneath the wheel well there are a three screws that can be removed to give you more access to the side marker.

4. Back in the wheel well where the second plastic cap screw was, we can pull the plastic trim back to see a screw that needs to come off.
 5. Now you can separate the bumper by gently pulling it out. It is held in by clips and will make a few pop noises, so don't be afraid you are breaking anything!
 6. The bulb for the side marker is right here. You can easily twist and pull to remove it. The marker itself is held in place by two clips on either side. To remove it, press the clip closer to you in with something like a flathead and it will loosen. It may take some force!
 7. The removed side marker and the clip shown.
 8. The bulb is a common size 194. I will be replacing this with an LED. Remove the old bulb and insert the new bulb, being careful not to touch the bulb itself. I use sandwich bags to handle them.
9. Turn on your headlights to ensure the bulb is working. If not, insert the bulb in the other direction and make sure the bulb is good. Once finished, reverse the steps and do the other side.
10. Attaboy!

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