DIY: Install LED Rear Reflectors

1. This guide will show how to replace your rear reflectors with LED ones that run with your parking and brake lights.
Keep your old reflectors! States that require reflectors to have DOT approval indication on them will fail your car with these on. You'll have to swap them out come inspection time
2. These are the new reflectors from Ebay. $25 shipped, not bad. Some people mod their stock reflectors with LEDs inside. You can view those guides
here and

3. Looking under the rear bumper at an angle, we can see a gray tab from the reflector sticking out. Push the tab in (it's very easy with pliers) and you should be able to push them out easily.

4. Feed the wires in the opening and put your new reflectors in.

5. Open your trunk. There are two plastic tabs on each side that need to come off.

6. Very gently with a small flat head, push the center tab out and pull the pin out.

7. Now use a screwdriver and pop the plastic back piece out. It's going to pop, but you're not breaking anything lol.

8. Pull the rubber lining out from where you will be eventually feeding the wires through.

9. To make it easier for yourself, stick something like a plastic knife or screw driver through the bumper so you will be able to see where the wires need to be fed to from underneath.

10. Looking at this pick, this is the passenger side of the car with the exhaust on the lower left. I fed the wire around the rust metal piece to where the knife was sticking out. This is very tricky to do in my opinion.
11. The knife will guide your path!

12. With the wire finished on both sides of the car, we need to drill two holes for each set of wires to come through.

13. Now, we have three wires:
Red: Connects to Parking Brake Positive. (Black/Green Wire)
Black: Connects to Parking Brake Negative. (Black Wire)
White Connects to Brake Light Positive (I'll confirm which wire this is soon). I just used these quick connectors for the job. The pic sucks, but I'm connecting the positive wires here.
14. Close the connector good and ground your negative wire on something. Turn your light on to see if the reflectors light up.

15. Here are the Positive and Negative wires attached. Do this for both sides, testing the reflectors light up. I need to do the white one still. I just covered it up with electrical tape for the meantime. Put everything back together and...